Play with the letter T
Example : have a go (3 for 3 letters) = TRY
Now, YOU !
An instrument to repair things (4) :
After two and before four (5) :
Most animals have one (4) :
Between Monday and Wednesday (7) :
It has branches and can give fruit (4) :
Easier to eat on it (5) :
Can be played on a table or on a court (6) :
I bet you like watching it (10) :
Thanksgiving is always celebrated on this day (8) :
You can hear it when there is a storm (7) :
Both are said at Halloween (5/5) :
Big spider from Italy (9) :
He or she can give you lessons (7) :
Opposite of GIVE (4) :
Opposite of SMALL (4) :
Another word for ‘speak’ or ‘chat’ (4) :
You need one to go to the cinema (6) :
Graham Bell invented it and you are often on it ! (9) :
Not messy (4) :
Very little (4) :